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We believe every problem can be solved, even complex ones. Do you have a business or business area that could use a dramatic increase in profit and growth? We might just have what you are looking for, as this is exactly what we have been doing over the last 15 year's. Thuraround specialises in interim management and consultancy, based on the theory of constraints (TOC) and turnaround management strategy. Thuraround could be involved in both planning and execution of a transition, either based on a fee or as a participant and investor. In both cases, Thuraround is able not only to bring in experience but also to use an extensive network of professionals. 

Thuraround was founded in 2012 and it's name was derived from it's founder and owner, Wilco Thur. All management transitions are directly or indirectly coordinated by him, in other words, you will always have Thur around. 

© wilco thur 2013